Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Embrace the suck!

This is a new phrase that Tony taught me. I have been repeating this phrase all day today. I had no choice tonight but to fold and put up his clean clothes....Emma (cleaning lady) comes tomorrow. I also had to unload the dishwasher which made me cry and I had to load the dishwasher with all the dishes that we have used the past few days which also made me cry. YES clean and dirty dishes made me emotional tonight!!!

I did get to talk to Tony many times today. He left this evening on plane to Wisconsin. He called me around 8pm and they were on a base and picing up some Air Force people and than headed to New Hampshire. He said the planeis a comercial liner that has 3 seats on one side and 3 on the other. I am hoping he gets 3 seats to himself so he can lay down. After New Hampshire they will go to Iceland and than to Bulgaria and than Kuwait. You would thin there wuld be a more direct way to go. When I traveled to Kuwait, we left from DFW and went through Boston to London to Kuwait.

I did get a wonderful suprise today.....beautiful flowers delivered to work!

Everything in this house reminds me of Tony. I have no choice in the matter nor do I have the power to tell the Army "I am sorry Tony is not available for Iraq....please check back with us NEVER!" So....... I must EMBRACE THE SUCK!


  1. There are so many blog spouses that know exactly what you are going through. Keep posting our good days and even some of the bad ones, you'll be amazed at the support you'll get from people you don't even know!

  2. Your sweet friends over at USOGirls thought you could use some "cheering up." And as the official USO Mom I thought I would give it a go. You have a very unique experience with the deploying or your loved one, Tony! You know the other side, unlike many of deployed soldiers...a gift or burden..that's yours to decide. I say go ahead and cry...cry when you feel like it. Cry everytime you feel like it...because you miss him...because you love him...because he's not there with you. I always find it silly when people discourage and distract you away from what you are feeling. You love this man and you miss him and will miss him. Even when doing the dishes :)

    As a soldier you had your unit to support you...connect with others who are in your situation! They know how you feel like no one else.

    So as you embrace the suck remember to EMBRACE the Love you have for eachother even stronger! Sounds like you have a really great guy...flowers at work!!! Post a picture so we can all see!

  3. Jamie and I can help you with awesome care package ideas and I have a ton of flat rate boxes you can use!

  4. I got here through USO Girls, too! Hang in there! I'm on the opposite end of you. My soldier just came home LAST WEEK! Woo hoo! Honestly, as soon as I pounced on him (immediately after he stepped off that bus!), it was as if the 12 previous deployment months vanished and all was perfect in my world! Keep yourself busy to make the time pass faster. Bite your tongue when you feel like complaining to him--he needs your full support. Send him mail--LOTS of mail. The oddest things you send will totally make his day! Keep your chin up! ;)
