Sunday, June 14, 2009


Today is our 2 year anniversary and our last 2 days together before he leaves for Ft. Riley, Kansas. I am so proud of my man!

Our Vegas trip was canceled but he still made it an AMAZING weekend. I swear Tony can turn anything from bad to good:) Friday we went to Six Flags and Saturday I went to shoot for the first time...I did not do to bad. I was very scared of the gun at first but after 30 rounds i was doing ok. I also got the new Palm Pre yesterday and it is the COOLEST! I highly recommend it!

Not sure what the plan is today or tomorrow but I will take each day as it comes and enjoy every minute of it. I love my soldier.

1 comment:

  1. Sweetheart, you did better than okay! you were amazing at the range, but I wasn't surprised, you are good at most everything you do. I am glad you got your palm pre, you are good at technology and I know you'll use every function on it! I love you honey!
