Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day One....

I am sad and my heart is heavy. I feel kind of silly being so upset when I know I will be seeing Tony again in a few weeks but I cannot help it. I love him and miss him. Usually i would be excited to have some time to myself. In the past, I would be sitting here counting down the minutes until work is over and planning my evening activities....gym-tan-home-DVR! Today I am wishing work to be longer and dreading getting into the car. See when I get in the car I always call Tony to see what he is doing, what are we doing for dinner, and talk about our day...not today. Today I am just trying to get through the day with no tears.

Mom wants to come over but I kind of want to be alone. I am going to do a secret shop in Mansfield and than????


  1. Day one for Tony: Sad leaving Bethany, I love her so much...and I can tell it's going to be hard for her. She is my Princess and I am lucky to have her. I on the other hand and a bit nervous because I know absolutely nothing about what and where I am going and with whom? don't know anything about anything at all which is unusual for my military career. But, knowing that no matter what, Bethany is with me and will be forever makes it a lot easier for me! I arrived safe, am in the 40 man barracks, have talked to Bethany several times today, got my internet up and going, talked to her on Skype, went to Target and bought a blanket and small pillow, a lock for my wall locker and am now wearing the BIG RED ONE patch! I love you Bethany!

  2. It was great to be able to talk to you so many times today....it MIGHT make the transition easier????
