Friday, July 10, 2009

Change of Plans

Not going to get to see Tony this weekend. I am very upset and disappointed....I have been looking forward to this all day long. My new plans for the weekend....figure out how to put my webbie videos on my new pink laptop, get my passwords saved on my laptop, and catch up on DVR. EXCITING!!!! NOT!!!

Mama is in St.Louis this weekend so I will probably go and spend some time with daddy. He has been trying to get a blog up and running. I could help him with that this weekend. I also need to straighten up the house. I think I am going to go to bed now....hope I can sleep. I miss my lobster.


  1. I love and miss you to Princess. I will most likely see you next Saturday.......Love ya!!!!

  2. Hey honeybunch! Sorry you didn't get to go see Tony. :( I'm just catchin up on bloggyworld, but I've got bottles to make and sleep to try to get..... just wanted to send you a hug!
