Wednesday, September 9, 2009


My new word. Definition: An attitude of suckiness....that is how I feel right now. I only got to talk to Tony once today when he called from Bulgaria.

I do not think that it has hit me yet that he is really gone for at least 6 months before he gets leave. I keep thinking that he will be home in a month......Everybody keeps asking me if I am OK and I feel like I should be crying or going crazy, but I am not. Should I be? Am I in denial or is this normal? Mom says my best defense is to not think about it. I think it will hit me in about 30 days....that is the longest we have been apart in 2 years. So for now I will sulk in my suckiness!


  1. I haven't hit d-day just yet, but P's date is right after Thanksgiving and a couple weeks before Christmas. Ugh. So I can't commiserate, but just support. :)

    But the girls out here in blog-land are awesome and answer all kinds of questions!!

  2. Everyone handles it differently. I think people expected me to be crying and pouting all the time, but I wasn't. I knew deployment was coming, so I determined to just do my best to get through it--TOGETHER. My man and I are a team. We serve together. Attitude is a big part of how you act, but don't ever feel guilty for being sad or just really, really, really wishing he would be here. You’re human!

    I would get frustrated with things too (we are National Guard, which makes me feel like we're forgotten in some respects and aren’t "real" Army, yet we still get deployed like active duty and have considerably less assistance, very weak support from the home unit (that puzzles me!!!), some poorly run FRGs (or else they’re located hours away in different areas of the state), limited resources available to us...). You just can’t let it get the best of you. I regularly reminded myself that there is ALWAYS someone else who is in a far worse situation than me.

    Keep busy and start planning those care packages!! The very first package I sent to my soldier was sent to Japan instead of the desert! He got it…5 months later!! Always an adventure!!! :) haha The mail was actually quite fast, so that's a positive!!
